ICAROS One Button Middle East
Aeromap-ICAROS Partnership

Aeromap Technology Systems is very excited to announce its new partnership with ICAROS Inc. ICAROS Inc. is a geospatial solutions provider that develops and pioneers in the use of new aerial sensors, UAS Systems, and processing techniques. Headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, United States of America, ICAROS Inc. was established in 2004, and since then, they offer state-of-the-art remote sensing technology products, photogrammetry software products, image data acquisition and processing services, analytic services and training to clients worldwide.
Their goal is to help business and government bodies to create decisions through using updated and accurate aerial geospatial information in a world of rapidly changing environment and technologies. ICAROS Inc. helps its client make aerial geospatial information useful and accessible to support a wide range of applications. This includes private and public sector customers supporting companies involved in homeland security, surveillance & emergency management, aircraft flight training/simulation and military mission planning.
ICAROS Inc. is the developer of Icaros OneButton™, which is an image processing software, and by far used by several industries because of its ease to utilize. By using the most advanced photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms, OneButton™ lets you easily and automatically create fully georeferenced products in 2D and 3D, while combining highly optimized performance to produce exceptionally fast and accurate results.
Aeromap Technology Systems is the new partner of ICAROS Inc. in the Middle East and North Africa Region. We are looking forward to a good collaboration and support in the future. For more information, please e-mail us at: sales@aeromapss.com / info@aeromapss.com or call us at (+973) 3724 7100.